Saturday, 28 April 2012

Calibration procedure : Differential pressure level transmitter

How to calibrate Dp level transmitter at field

Material Required
Data sheet
Pressure calibrator (std)
Multimeter (std)
Hart communicator

*Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop and to put it on MOS for ESD loop.
*Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to data sheet. Typical parameters are, tag number, PV, LRV and URV.
*Isolate the instrument from the process.
*Release both pressure and drain low and high side liquid throughout manifold drain.
*Open both plug at seal pot
*Top up seal liquid for low side until half of seal pot.
*Remove tubing at high side of manifold
*Hook up pressure calibrator at high side and isolate the vent valve
*Hook up a multimeter in series with the signal to the DCS to measure current signal.
*Apply pressure as per calculation when level equivalent to zero 
*Multimeter should show 4mA
*If not, do zero adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*Apply pressure as per calculation when level equivalent to 100%Multimeter should show 20mA
If not, do span adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in normal mode or normalize the MOS
*Fill the calibration form and file it for future reference.
Note:There is many way to perform calibration for DP level but the important thing is the DP reading at HART communicator should same with the LRV and URV

Differential pressure level measurement

Example calculation:
Product S.G=0.89
Glycol S.G = 1.02
A= 2000mm (measurement length)
B= 100mm (off set)
Dp = pressure at high side – pressure at low side
LRV = (B x Product S.G) – (A x Glycol S.G)
= (100mm x 0.89) – (2000 x 1.02)
= 89 – 2040
= -1951 mmH2O
URV = (C x Product S.G) – (A x Glycol S.G)
= (2100mm x 0.89) – (2000 x 1.02)
= 1869 - 2040
= -171 mmH2O
Calculation for apply pressure at high side manifold transmitter
0% = (B x Product S.G)
= (100mm x 0.89)
= 89 mmH2O
100% = (C x Product S.G)
= (2100mm x 0.89)
= 1869 mmH2O

Related post
READ MORE - Calibration procedure : Differential pressure level transmitter

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Calibration Procedure : Differential Pressure Flow Transmitter

How to calibrate flow DP transmitter 

Data sheet
Pressure calibrator (std)
Multimeter (std)
Hart communicator

*Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop and to put it on MOS for ESD loop.
*Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to data sheet. Typical parameters are, tag number, PV, LRV and URV.
*Isolate the instrument from the process.
WARNING – If the process is hazardous, please unsure proper flushing is done to remove the entire hazard.
*Release both pressure and drain low and high side liquid throughout manifold drain.
*Connect pressure calibrator to high side of manifold
*Expose the low side to atmosphere
*Hook up a multimeter in series with the signal to the DCS to measure current signal.
*Apply pressure as per data sheet LRV (normally 0mmH2O)
*Multimeter should show 4mA
*If not, do zero adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*Apply pressure as per data sheet URV
*Multimeter should show 20mA
*If not, do span adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*Verify the linearity by increasing and decreasing the pressure (0%,25%,50%,75%,100%,75%,50%,25% and 0%of range)
*After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in normal mode or normalize the MOS
Fill the calibration form and file it for future reference.

Example calculation

Instrument calibrated range: 0 – 2500 mmH2O
Process calibrated range: 0 – 105000 Nm3/h
Q =K  P
0%  0 mmH2O = ( 0/2500) x 105000
= 0 Nm3/h 
50%  1250 mmH2O = ( 1250/2500) x 105000
= 7424.6 Nm3/h 
100%  2500 mmH2O = ( 2500/2500) x 105000
= 105000 Nm3/h
READ MORE - Calibration Procedure : Differential Pressure Flow Transmitter

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Calibration Procedure : Differential pressure transmitter

How to calibrate Differential pressure transmitter for capillary type?


Data sheet
Pressure calibrator (std)
Multimeter (std)
Hart communicator
*Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop and to put it on MOS for ESD loop.

*Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to data sheet. Typical parameters are, tag number, PV, LRV and URV.
*Isolate the instrument from the process.
WARNING – If the process is hazardous, please unsure proper flushing is done to remove the entire hazard.
*Open vent valve at drip ring and open plug at the top of the drip ring (if available) to release the process pressure
*Clean the liquid inside the drip ring and put back the plug for high side only (if available).
*Expose the low side to atmosphere
*Hook up a multimeter in series with the signal to the DCS to measure current signal.
*In this condition both capillary flange will be atm pressure at difference high
* Multimeter should show 4mA and PV at HART communicator should shows 0 (LRV)
*If not, do zero adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*Connect pressure calibrator to high side flange (drip ring)
*Apply pressure depend data sheet span (URV)
*Multimeter should show 20mA and PV at HART communicator should shows same with URV
*If not, do span adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator
*Verify the linearity by increasing and decreasing the pressure (0%,25%,50%,75%,100%,75%,50%,25% and 0%of range)
*After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in normal mode or normalize the MOS
*Fill the calibration form and file it for future reference.


Capillary flange at same elevation
Example calculation:
Transmitter range = 0-2 kg/cm2
LRV = 0 kg/cm2
URV = 2 kg/cm2.

Related Posts:
Control valve calibration
Hook up drawing

READ MORE - Calibration Procedure : Differential pressure transmitter

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Internet Disappearing for Thousands of People in July

DNSChangerThe FBI has warned hundreds of thousands of people that they could lose their internet connections in July. That is, of course, if they don't take steps to diagnose and disinfect their computers. The problem that these individuals are facing is related to malware known as DNSChanger, which was first discovered in 2007 and has since infected millions of computers around the world.

Basically, what this malware does is that whenever you type a web address into your browser, your computer contacts DNS servers to discover the numerical IP address of the site you are looking for and then takes you there. The DNSChanger malware messes with an infected computer's settings and directs it to a rogue server set up by an internet crime ring.

According to an Attorney General for the United States in an FBI press release, these criminals "were intentional cyberbandits who hijacked millions of computers at will and rerouted them to Internet Web sites and advertisements of their own choosing -- collecting millions in undeserved commissions for all the hijacked computer clicks and Internet ads they fraudulently engineered."

However, the FBI busted up the crime ring last year and took control of the rogue servers. Considering so many infected computers relied on the servers to reach the internet, the agency decided not to shut them off and instead converted them to legitimate DNS servers. However, running these servers is costing the government money, which is why they are being turned off in July. If you are one of the unfortunate ones whose computer got infected, the internet will no longer exist for you.

The DNSChanger Working Group (DCWG) has created a website designed to help you diagnose your computer and see if you are infected and remove the DNSChanger if necessary. I'd recommend checking it out, especially before July 8, or you can say goodbye to Facebook, Google and whatever else you use the internet for.

Source: CNET - Web could vanish for hordes of people in July, FBI warns
READ MORE - Internet Disappearing for Thousands of People in July

Calibration Procedure : Control Valve

How to calibrate control valve?

Required Material:
1) Data sheet
2) Hart Communicator

Step wise Procedure: 
*Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop 
*Isolate the Control valve from the process.
WARNING – The Isolation of control valve from the process shall be done by field operator. Careful step shall be done to ensure no upset to the operation.
*Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to data sheet such as Tag Number, OP and etc. 
*Change from normal mode to setup mode
*Select auto find stop (wait some minute)
*If full open is more than 100% select open adjustment and put new number as per calculation
*Make an auto calibration ( wait some minute)
*Verify the linearity by increasing and decreasing the travel (0%,25%,50%,75%,100%,75%,50%,25% and 0%of range)
*After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in normal mode 
*Fill the calibration form and file it for future reference.

Example calculation
A: Max travel from stem   70mm
B: Scale plate   50mm
New open adjustment should be (50/70) X 100 = 71.48%
READ MORE - Calibration Procedure : Control Valve

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Identity Theft Vulnerability Affects All iPhones, Not Just Jailbroken Ones

iPhone Facebook appsA report surfaced recently about a vulnerability in Facebook that allowed people to access someone else's account. The report initially stated that this vulnerability only affected people on a jailbroken iPhone, however, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore as two new reports are stating that it isn't only jailbroken phones that are at risk.

Gareth Wright, an app developer from the U.K., along with The Next Web have each confirmed, separately, that this new vulnerability affects any and all iPhones, not just jailbroken ones. In addition to that, it has been discovered that the vulnerability originated in Facebook's iPhone app.

Wright released his report earlier in the week and claimed that the iPhone Facebook app includes a vulnerability that fails to encrypt log-on credentials whenever you get on Facebook on your iPhone via the app. Wright also said that he also discovered a Facebook access token in the Draw Something game. Wright copied the token, used the Facebook Query Language and extracted the information.

According to Wright's report, "Sure enough, I could pull back pretty much any information from my Facebook account." Wright also mentioned that the property list of the app contained any and all information needed to allow someone other than you to access your Facebook account, send private messages and do anything else imaginable.

However, Facebook is sticking by their claim that the vulnerability only affects jailbroken phones. In a statement from the social media giant, the company said, "Facebook's iOS and Android applications are only intended for use with the manufacture provided operating system, and access tokens are only vulnerable if they have modified their mobile OS (i.e. jailbroken iOS or modded Android) or have granted a malicious actor access to the physical device."

That may have been believable had The Next Web not released their very own report separate from Wright's. The Next Web confirmed themselves that the vulnerability also affects non-jailbroken phones. However, The Next Web also found that Dropbox also suffers from the same vulnerability, leaving the application open to a property list hack.

According to The Next Web, "We copied the .plist from one device, with the app installed and logged in, over to another which had a fresh installation of Dropbox on it. The profile copied and it worked seamlessly, as if we had logged on ourselves, which we had not." The Next Web also added that the Dropbox vulnerability works on phones that are passcode protected.

Facebook keeps saying that the vulnerability is only on jailbroken phones, though with the reports from Wright and The Next Web, I don't know how much longer the social media company can keep that story going.

Source: CNET - facebook ID theft impacts all iPhones, Dropbox
Power Point Projectors
Most business class projectors will do a good job displaying your PowerPoint presentation. If you have a small presentation group, a 2000 lumen LCD projector will be able to produce a nice and clear picture. For larger audiences you should consider a 5000 lumen LCD projector.
READ MORE - Identity Theft Vulnerability Affects All iPhones, Not Just Jailbroken Ones

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Essential Networking skills required for an Instrument engineer.


IP address (Internet protocol) is unique address to identify a device in a network. IP address is made up of 32 bits and it is divided in to two parts with the help of subnet mask.
Network ID and Host ID.

8 bit

8 bit

8 bit



IP Classes. Class A, Class B, Class C

What is the use of IP address in instrumentation?

Nowadays some of the instrument manufactures are using Ethernet as a communication protocol. Eg: BentlyNevada vibration monitoring system. For co

How to set IP address?
mmunicating with such field instruments or field device you need to set ip address of your computer with same class.

Windows 7.

Control panel>Network and Internet>Network and sharing center.

Double click on the local area connection.

Go to properties.

Double click on “Internet protocol version 4”

Set the IP address and subnet mask.

set ip address- instruments

How to check whether the connection is established with field device or not?


Type - ping “IP address of the device”
Eg: ping

If the device is replying, communication is established. Otherwise you have to go for further trouble shooting.

ping field instruments

Two types of cables are used for establishing Ethernet communication.
1. Cross cable -
2. 2.Straight cable.

READ MORE - Essential Networking skills required for an Instrument engineer.
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